Well-Leader Mindset™ Wellness Investing 101

Your advancement to your authentic health and wellness starts HERE!

Welcome to Strategic Wellness Investing 101.

Strategic Wellness Investing 101 includes Phase 1: Awaken and Phase 2: Awareness

Get started achieving the health and wellness you desire by making the choice to invest in your long-term health and wellness. You start by understanding your wellness investment mindset to awaken your curiosity and open your mind to examining how you think, nonjudgmentally and from a place of neutrality. 

There is no right or wrong thinking. Your current mindset is simply your starting point to begin your transformational journey toward that of a Well-Leader who takes care of yourself and exerts a positive influence on the lives of others you care about at home and work.

Your Well-Leader Mindset™ has a way of creating an incredible health and wellness ripple effect in the lives of others!

By participating in Strategic Wellness Investing 101, you will

  • Identify your baseline wellness investment mindset.
  • Explore your readiness to truly make changes to your health and wellness,
  • Understand how you tend to think about and approach focusing on your health and wellness.
  • Uncover the root cause of what prevents you from achieving the health and wellness you desire,
  • Visualize the outcomes you focus on to measure success,
  • Determine what helps you stay committed and motivated to making changes, and
  • Establish a “Thought Plan” for moving forward on your health and wellness journey.

Your body is the only one you have. It’s up to you to take care of it, no one else can do that. You have the power to control your long-term health destiny. 

Hello. I'm Dr. Lori Lindbergh, Workplace Psychologist, Leadership Wellness Strategist, Diplomate in Lifestyle Medicine, National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, and creator of the Well-Leader Mindset™ Strategic Wellness Progression.

You deserve the health and wellness you desire. It not only improves your life but your effectiveness as a leader. When you live well, you are able to lead well.

Five years ago, I made the decision to put myself first and take care of ME, so I could take better care of others at home and at work. That’s when my true wellness journey began, when I stopped fooling myself and finally found out what it takes to achieve long-term lifestyle wellness, using evidence-based practices to build immunity, increase energy, and reverse and prevent chronic diseases.

I developed my LivingWell-LeadingWell® Programs and my Well-Leader Mindset™ Strategic Wellness Progression to help you do the same. I'm here to support you when you decide you are ready to start your journey toward better health and wellness.

Stop living the same year over and over waiting for chronic diseases to set in. You are not at the mercy of your genetics. Make changes NOW that have been shown to boost your immune system and prevent and reverse chronic diseases. 

As a leader you are familiar with how strategic planning supports the success and guides the direction of your organization. The same is true for your personal wellness. You need a long-term strategic wellness investment plan. That’s what I help you do, create your thoughtful Lifestyle Wellness Strategic Investment Plan to guide your wellness transformation.

A year from now you will wish you had started today! Health is not about what you lose, it’s about what you gain. Don’t wait until you lose it to begin working on it. Benefit now from your wellness investment in retirement and beyond, with no penalties and taxes for early withdraw!

It will be an honor to support you on your strategic wellness investment journey!

Quest Curriculum

  • 2 Levels
  • Coaching By Dr. Lori
  • Community Support
  • Level 01


    Engage in your full assessment immersive experience to baseline your wellness investment mindset and the strength of your future desired wellness.

  • Level 02


    Review and understand your profile report to make your health and wellness thinking and beliefs visible. You can't change what you can't see!

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